When defining the need for dr stella immanuel website, we knew we were embarking on a difficult journey. All of us who understand that our nation needs a revival, which is literally defined as an improvement in the condition or strength of something, or a renewed use, acceptance of, or interest in past customs styles or anything that is old being brought back. Which is exactly what our nation needs. Back in the early 1900s, God worked through this great nation by utilizing a man by the name of William Seymour, a preacher in the Los Angeles area, with a revival on Azusa Street. Not only were great miracles occurring at this revival meeting, but it largely spawned the Pentecostal movement that assisted in turning our nation back to God with a fire and zeal unlike ever before.This is what we desire for our nation again. Who will it be this time?

It is the vision of dr stella immanuel website that knew when the right time to stand up for justice and combat fear itself. And she hasn’t ever stopped fighting this good fight of faith. By utilizing the platform given to her through her medical experience, she has called attention to the lack of quality Christian leadership in a country founded on Christian morals. While this may seem confusing, remember that the devil is the father of confusion and this is a reminder as to why we fight. We are all called to spiritual warfare, and any action to shy away from that would quite literally be you accepting lukewarm faith and should be prepared to be spewed from the mouth of God himself.

The dr stella immanuel website has served as a soundboard for Christian values for the world to see. The great Nation of the United States has stood as a pillar of freedom, hope, and opportunity, however, over the past few years it all has been shattered to pieces before our very eyes and it is our duty to stand in the gap for others who do not recognize the signs. James 2:26 implores us to understand that, “Faith without works is dead,” we can no longer sit idly by and be content in our salvation due to our own acceptance, we are called to put action to our faith. Not only are we to live as the Bible instructs us to, we should live as a shining light example for others to see God working in us, but we are also to put action to our words and be the hands and feet of God on this earth.

As John the Baptist was once the voice crying out in the desert (Mark 1:3) before Jesus came into his ministry, so are we called to prepare the way for Jesus to return again. Now is not the time to argue scripture, or even to blindly accept anything coming over the pulpit, now is the time to, “Study and show yourself approved,” (2 Timothy 2:15) by walking what you truly believe. Psalms 22:27-28 promises us that, “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.”

So if you are ready to be a disciple of Christ and put action behind your beliefs in the truth, please take a look at our website Doctorstellamd.net and add it as a resource to assist in keeping yourself, your family, and your community accountable to the word of God. As always our professionals are always avail to answer questions and for prayer, so feel free to call us at 832-808-5574.

Dr Stella Immanuel Website | Live Free America

When you make any purchase from dr stella immanuel website not only are you supporting truth in America, but you will also receive Dr Stella’s free ebook signed called let America live. In this book you will find out the truth about hydroxychloroquine, the liberal agenda, and how Dr Stella was discredited by the media due to her scientifically endorsed use of hydroxychloroquine on COVID patients. If you are tired of the fear residing in our nation around a disease designed to scare you then we have the right book for your research. It’s imperative to stay vigilant and steeped in truth.

According to dr stella immanuel website our world has been turned upside down like never before all for the purpose of creating a pandemic design to control you by the use of fear. Most of us turn to the news and other sources in order to figure out what’s going on and where they are being played. However, when the same media that we trust to give us unbiased truth is part of creating an agenda, it is weaponized against the citizens who are supposed to be protected. This is why we have to fight back and take our nation back to God. We need to repent for allowing our nation to turn away from the very person who delivered this land to us in the first place.

It is the nature of dr stella immanuel website to never give up when the truth of God is at state. She is tired of the media utilizing fear and instilling hopelessness in the world. She feels it is time for us to take our place and rise up in bringing light and goodness to the world. Her ebook, which you will receive signed by her, let America live, will implore you to never shy away about standing up for what you believe again. 2 Timothy 1:7 states, “God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind,” and your sound mind will assist in knowing the truth.

In America this is the land of the Free, and the home of the brave. We must be brave in standing up to this staunch agenda of world domination. This is a human lead design of the devil to instill divisiveness and confusion in the world. The problem comes when we sit by and allow it to happen without taking our nation back to our knees repenting for the sin of our great Nation. It is important to note that while this is a shared movement, we all need to do the work individually, in our families, and in our communities for this to work. We can not afford to be divided by miniscule squabbles that do not push forward the fact that we desire great change in this country.

In being part of the Christian standard of faith, the website Doctorstellamd.net is unequivocally a remnant flag flying in the desert holding you and your family up in prayer. If you, your family and your community want to be part of the mass of people tired of their values being held hostage, feel free to contact us at 832-808-5574 where we are more than happy to speak to you and offer prayer.